Hello dear readers (if there are any of you left out there),
I stopped posting awhile back because I found out my mom was reading this blog. Not that it's a private blog or I reveal any deep dark secrets, I just didn't like her talking about my gas problems or knowing about some things when I had previously just assumed that she was very far (my father Herb as well) from the blogosphere realm. Well not sure what I will do going forward but recently had a blogworthy event I thought I'd write about (+ I am on a 4.5 hour bus ride back from NYC this weekend too).
I used to have two frogs that a friend bought me (I named them Ace and Gary because they were both male and seemed to cling to each other about as much as their gay Saturday Night cartoon counterparts). After Ace or Gary died, not really sure which one was which, I thought it was kind of sad that the other didn't have a friend. So I called my local pet store and inquired about getting an African dwarf frog (see above picture) and the pet store dude inquired about my current tank - which truth-be-told is a tiny little square of a tank with just enough room for a little bamboo plant, snale, some rocks, and the frog (it's a self sustaining tank). After telling me these little tanks were just gimmicks and I needed to give more space he said he could help me out. Upon arrival at the pet store with Ace (or Gary) I asked to see the African dwarf frogs and the same guy from the phone told me he wouldn't sell me another frog in my little tank and I kept explaining that I didn't want to buy a bigger tank and the pet store guy continually telling me to look at the sad little face and meek legs of my current frog I told him to just show me the damn frog. He finally showed me his albino frog (see other pic.) which is about 4 times the size of mine. I asked if they would be ok together and he replied, "no this one would eat that one." So in the end he never even had a frog he could sell me and was just trying to get me to buy a new tank. It turns out one bigger and cheaper option was only about $10 (and he threw in the gravel at 50% off) but I was so annoyed by the experience I told him that I didn't care if my frog was comfortable and stormed off with Ace (or Gary) never to enter this store again. He told me he thought the frog would be dead in a few weeks but that is something a deceitful and spiteful pet shop owner would say to a customer, who wasn't in the end, actually a customer so we'll see who wins this round later. For now, I think Gary (or Ace) is happy to know that I tried and seems pretty fine with the home he's had for a year and counting.