Monday, November 26, 2007

Break from a Break

So I'm back from Thanksgiving after a large 20 person family gathering in Vermont. It was quite the event and some what stressful having so many people around needing so many different things and everyone offering me advice for the future. But now it's over and it's back to work. Well, sort of. I'm now working at the UVM admission's department. Now this job may sound like it is better than the last few but it's not much better except that it pays and it's easy. What I do for 8 hours a day is alphabetize (I also attempt to practice my Spanish with the hot Peruvian girl who works with me as well as try to find the secrets out to getting in to college or helping my buddies from home out when I find their files, just kidding...I actually got in trouble for asking some "sensitive" questions to the admissions officers, but I digress).
This job is better than the alternative of not having a job. I went one week with nothing and almost lost it (I found myself doing home art projects and playing game cube). I couldn't tell the difference when the weekend and weekday. I was (and still am) going nuts being stuck at home. Here's a good recent example involving my dad (as usual): I'm talking with my friend Maria who's in Japan and were skyping (which I just got in to and is very cool and free by the way). My dad remembers her (she's visited and just as a background point her parents are Swedish diplomats) and upon hearing her voice he tells me I should see if her parents can get me a job. I explain to him that even if I could get a job in diplomacy it wouldn't be for the Swedish government. He then counters with the fact that the Swedish were very good to the Jews in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. Wow, check mate I guess.

So I've decided to leave for Boston (again) and live with my brother, wife, and two nieces until Katy comes to visit in mid December. I've decided I need to stop being so indecisive and worrisome about my future. What ever happens happens and better that it start today rather then in a few months.

Just one last note. I'm really into Pandora right now and if you haven't heard of it, go check it out:
It really does a good job with suiting your tastes and its some how free. Although I'm guessing if it gets more popular and people find out about it, there will be some law suit because it doesn't seem completely legal to me.

1 comment:

Spencetron said...

Your concern for the legality of Pandora is honorable. While I don't want to join the chorus of advice givers I have a greedy suggestion: come to albuquerque and live with me this summer. We can play tennis and spoon.