Most summers, I don't have much to show for my time off. Maybe that's ok as teachers work hard enough they should get to relax and enjoy themselves. Also, I am in the fortunate situation of being in a family with two income earners and comfortable financial situation. But sometimes I wish I was better at creating, building, and finishing tangible projects.
So on to the question of the day- what to do? The reality is that we are still traveling for two weeks this summer in addition to two weekend road trips to N.C. Decatur's summer is at least one week shorter than other GA schools because of all of the breaks during the year. The house purchase entails giant check-lists of things to do and Helena is only in daycare 3 out of 5 days a week and only in June. I also have a show for the band to prep. for and a multi-day IB training in July. If I set my expectations too high I will probably just be disappointed so I'll be realistic while also thinking about what I want to do with my time beyond relaxing. I used last summer's wish list (in blue italics) as a guide here as well as comparison of what I might do differently. Who knows, this could be one of my last teacher summers. 8 out of the list of 10 are the same once again with 2 that I switched out.
Everyday stuff:
1. Learn (practice) Russian - goal -15-30 minutes/day
Russian - starting Sunday June 7th- goal - 30 min/week (2-3 days x 10-15 min. each)
2. READ - 1 hour a day; Atlantic magazine catch up from the year and Childhood development books and if I can get around to it since it's been ages, an actual book. I'd also like to find, buy, and read some French children's storybooks.
Continue to read and catch up on old Atlantics (at least 2, maybe 3? in June), read "Le Nouvel Houdini" in July, and if time- continue (finally) the Poisonwood Bible
3. House Exercise w/baby - goal 15 min./day. Time to trim some of that stomach fat
Run once a week for at least 20-30 min.
4. Silicon Valley - 1 episode/day. Heard it's a great series. Looking forward to it.
Watch new Black Mirror (season 5), finish True Detective Season #3 w/Maya, if time-start Atlanta season #2.
5. Helena play time - tummy time, walks with Sherlock (not sure if I can count this here), conversations, swim lessons, and to be determined with the help of #2 reading and lots of Youtube videos.
Gymnastics once/week, teach Helena how to bike, how to hold and connect tennis racket to ball, and continue working on speaking (all languages).
Less frequently:
6. House projects - Need to research new appliance machines, fix fence, move/make new garden, outdoor shower (probably too ambitious with this last one).
Work on prepping old house for sale eventually - get through at least 20 items on big check-list.
Therapy - research ppl, try three sessions with one of them. Work towards earning more well-being points if I want to use that $$ to continue with it. Find two ongoing strategies for improving mental health.
Choose 2 promising business ideas, research, and learn more about those industries
Would change this to hike or visit new playground with Helena
10. Ongoing house maintenance - dog walking, shopping, cooking, dishes, Helena blog, being a good husband and helping Maya, cleaning, laundry, etc.
All of these things continued + try to learn more about business school, studying for GMAT's, or auditing a class
**Plan for next school year eventually - I will have three preps. with new curriculum next year which is scary. I probably should use some of my summer for this, especially while Helena is still in daycare this month.
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