Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Organics Movement

One thing I have learned a little bit about at my job is the organics movement. It is an interesting parallel that has happened there with everything in this country, and really in the world, with consolidation. Check out this video if you get a chance:


I have conflicted feelings about the movement. On the one hand, I can definitely see the value to eating fewer chemicals, decreasing health risks for producers and consumers, and a better quality product in general I think. I also think the price is too expensive for me to actually afford to start buying all organic foods. So I chose eggs for now. On the other hand, I think people may be overly obsessed with organics (see the blog "stuff white people like") in a crazy way that doesn't always make sense. Just because some thing's organic doesn't make it better and doesn't mean that the person producing it was a farmer in overalls wearing a classic yellow hat. People just associate organics with small producers, economic empowerment, healthy food, and other ideas which are not necessarily true (unless you are one of the thousands of yuppy soccer moms now shopping at Whole Foods). So many supporters come off as self righteous too and make it seem like this is the most important ethical decision one can make. Some times I feel like I'm not radical enough for this job.

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