Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse

I know I write about cooking a lot but I just can't help it. I think it's because writing about my faults helps me get over my lack of common sense but maybe more importantly some times I think even I surprise myself.

Last night I was steaming (or attempting rather) to steam broccoli with a salad spinner and lid on top. I was using this because when I didn't see the pot with the wholes in it for steaming I just grabbed the next best thing (or so I thought) and put it on top of the boiling water pot. I then went upstairs to put on clothing (I was cooking just in my towel after my shower - I often go around like this delaying putting on clothing) and of course by the time I came back the spinner, made entirely of plastic, was melting through in several places. But to top it off I had been cooking potatoes in tin foil in the oven for more than an hour and since they were still hard I decided to put them in towels in to the microwave (at least I knew to take away the tin foil) so that I could have towel smelling potatoes which also did not soften. So finally I cut them in to small pieces and boiled them and an hour and 40 minutes (in total) later I had my two potatoes.

I think I also write about this because some day I think all of this could make a great T.V. show. Or maybe just a cooking show where I cooked dishes and actually called people in the audience with questions (sort of a reverse to the norm).

While after spending last week end in the Cape I'm off to spend another week end outside of this hell whole that is Boston (just kidding) in the great state of Vermont where Herb and a pile of squash he will be offering me await (even though he knows I don't like squash...I can already hear him now, "It's fresh from the garden")

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