Monday, January 28, 2013

Road Trip Continued...

After leaving Williamsburg I headed to see my friend Thomas who’s studying at Princeton where the prestigious few are paid to learn for a job (while simultaneously earning a masters at the Woodrow Wilson school). In D.C. (or as my dad calls it “Warshington D.C.”) I saw my first close friend who’s pregnant – weird how this marks a milestone of getting older. She clearly has been thinking about this for awhile (as seen by this pic. below of 8 pairs of baby shoes for a yet-to-be-born being). 

I then had the misfortune of ending up in Baltimore, which actually like it’s beer National Bohemian (Natty Bo), is not as bad as I thought. Also, going out for crabs is a pretty fun and worthwhile experience – although I was surprised to learn that the crabs in Baltimore were coming from Louisiana (maybe just the time of year?). There’s something kind of cool about a gritty place like Baltimore or Providence and the Baltimore Bay park at North Point is actually kind of nice. 

Pete at North Bay

After a fancy wine & cheese party in Brooklyn, karaoke in Korea town, and a quick visit to Time Square (which by the way looks like something out of Gattica; especially if you take the crazy/fancy Marriott Marquis optimizing elevators), I was ready to return home.

Seeing the people who I still keep in touch with and my newer friends in Boston I realize I’ve surrounded myself with a bunch of very colorful and interesting people. I wouldn’t choose the Mid-Atlantic as a normally exciting road trip, but given my time crunch and the people I wanted to see, I’d say I did pretty well. It's also cool to see how so many people at around 27 years of age are doing so many different things and at different places in our lives

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