Monday, September 24, 2007

The Herb Files: small pox

So every once in awhile I feel it be might be a bit humorous to write a short post about my father: Herb. My dad's a pretty good guy and he certainly is not your typical dad. He has an interesting personality with more neurosis than most Jews (he believes that drinking coke-cola three meals a day, from a can (not bottle, this is important), in a glass (again, important), and using a straw and ice, is the only way to go. Mowing the lawn in the pitch black at 11:00 at night is common and pronouncing my brother's name Jonah "Jonerrrr" causes general hilarity among friends who like to imitate him.

There's a lot of funny stories I'd like to tell about Herb like the time he asked my mom at dinner why they called the restaurant "Hooters" its name and how he makes sure to always tell me not to speed even when I'm not driving, but just the other day he gave me a new laugh. I was going to hang out with my friend Ryan who has the chicken pox and my dad overhearing my phone conversation like he often does exclaimed, "I don't want you hanging out with any one who has small pox." I explained to him that he had chicken pox and not small pox and he countered, "it doesn't matter. You're not insured right now. I don't want you hanging out with any one with any diseases right now until you have health insurance." I took my chances and I got in the car to go see Ryan anyways...luckily I already had chicken pox, or a vaccination for it, or was that small pox?

1 comment:

Spencetron said...

So much is becoming clear. Also, you are terrible at closing your parentheses. If orgive you though because you look so cute when you kcik your elg out on your serve.