Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sox Clinch Division

Watching the end of last night's game and then hearing that the Yankees lost made my day. I could not be happier that the Yankees stranglehold on the division is finally over. Interestingly enough, the Sox might have been better off choking away their lead (despite the loss of momentum) because the Yankees have struggled against the Angels this year. However, the Angels are some what beaten up with a few injuries to key players. The new best record rule would be some what of an advantage for the Sox to win but at this point it's more important to rest Ortiz (knee) and make sure everyone's healthy.

God, I love this time of the year. No only is it playoff season for baseball but it's also fall, my favorite season. I have not been in Vermont for more than 5 years the last time I saw fall here. It is such a brief and amazing season that by Thanksgiving (I think I was home about once during college) the leaves are already all dead. What's great about Vermont is that the temperature is always nice and crisp and the air is fresh making it perfect for golf/tennis and hiking.

On a side note, I started scooping Ice Cream for Ben & Jerry's at their factory in Waterbury for the temp. agency. This is probably the furthest commute (40 min.) for the lowest pay ($9.00) and most work I've ever done in my life. These buss loads of incredibly wealth old people from all around the world show up in groups of 50 all wanting this deliciously unhealthy ice cream. Many of my co-workers are high school students coming after school... I don't think I can do this for long

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